Monday, July 15, 2013

Papa and Grandma Visit

What a whirlwind of a weekend. I have hardly had a chance to settle down and reflect on all that we did. Papa and Grandma came to visit last weekend and stayed Friday night to Monday morning. Wow I can't believe all that we accomplished in that short amount of time!
 We took them to Pullen Park. Grace, Daddy and Papa rode the carousel.
 It was pouring while we were in the carousel but it stopped as soon as we were done so we could head to the next thing.

 We went on the train around the park. Chooo Choooo!
 Grace rode on the kiddie boat and waved to everyone.
 We went down the slide on the playground.
 Grace snuggled with Grandma and examined all of her buttons.
 We stopped at Loco Pops on our way home. Really great fresh Popsicle with fun flavors!
 We had a photo shoot with Grandma, Papa and Grace. Mommy wants some pictures to put on the mantle.

The next three will go up somewhere in the house. :) When I get a chance to print them out... and find frames... so hopefully by Christmas. hehe

 Then we took them to Durham's Life and Science Museum. You know we are in love with this place!
 Checking out butterflies.
 Looking at the animals outside.
 Playing inside.... thank you air conditioning. Papa making Grace bust up laughing.
 Looking at the alligators with Grandma.
The next day we took them to Marbles. Grandma and Papa actually gave us our membership for Grace's birthday. We have so loved this place, it was nice to enjoy it with them.
 Riding a boat and cooking in the kitchen.
 Feedng the cows... at one point Grace did try to climb on top of the cow to ride it... oh sweet child.
 "school section" mommy's favorite! I love the activities they set out, like a big Tot school!
 Riding in the submarine.
 Thank goodness Papa was helping Grace as she tried to maneuver in those flippers!
 Up high in the boat looking out!
 And finally enjoying the garden.
As I said before it was a whirlwind of a weekend but we sure had fun! Grace was sad to see Papa and Grandma go. Hurry back! :)

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