Sunday, May 26, 2013

JP, Ines & Maka

Grace's great Uncle JP and great Aunt Ines came to visit (Mimi's brother). They brought with them their son Maka (who is really Mamas cousin, but only 6) G and Maka had a great time playing together. Maka could do the perfect things to get her to laugh.
It was super hard to take pictures of them two of them well because Maka moves as much as G does... and they were usually spinning in two different directions.
 But I tried my best and worked with even the blurry ones, haha.
 We took JP, Ines and Maka to Durham's Museum of Life and Science. It was a hit!
 Mimi loving while watching the big kids play.
 Using shadows to collect the falling dots on the big screen.... not sure how it works, but it is very cool.
 Sitting inside the train caboose. All girl.
 Having lunch at Sprouts Cafe at the Museum. I absolutely love this cafe and would seriously go to it even if it wasn't the only option. :) hehe
 More at the butterfly house. Yes I would say it is official, we are obsessed. I think the part about it she loves the most is being able to hold the informational sheet. She feels like such a grown up. Oh and then the facial expressions are seriously to die for.... how did I get such a  ham? I LOVE it!
 Showing everyone the butterfly chrysalis.
 Checking out the insects. Oh my child. Such the grown up. :)

 Spinning wheels on a rotating table. This captured EVERYONE's attention... from 19 months to in their 50s. Totally fun trying to get the wheels to spin opposite the direction of the table.

We had a lot of fun catching up and can't wait to see them again soon.

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