Thursday, May 9, 2013


We had so much fun this morning picking fresh strawberries with our friends! 
 G loved holding the basket all by herself!
 There were a lot of strawberry bushes and rows, we had to walk all the way to the end to get to our assigned area.
 Once we found our area G quickly understood the idea. Find a red strawberry, attempt to pull it off...
 Put a couple in the basket....
 And then take a break to eat, after all it was hard work!
 I am quite certain she ate more then she actually collected in the basket. My favorite was when she would take one of two bites and then put the rest of the strawberry back into the basket. hehe
 We looked at the flowers and saw the baby strawberries started to grow.

More eating, of course. :)

 It was so fun to watch her working so hard. She was a lady on a mission!

 The basket started filling up despite all her snacking!

 She just kept looking out over the field going "wabewwies!!!" It was a happy morning indeed.

 Of course we had to finish with one last pictures of her eating these yummy fruits! Thanks for doing such a great job G of collecting strawberries for us to eat. :) She is such a good helper girl.

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