Monday, June 3, 2013

Best Sunday Ever

I try to make everyday an amazing day for my daughter, but this Sunday was by far one of my favorite days. Perhaps it was because we were surrounded by family and friends, but mostly because I was with Grace and her Daddy all day long!
 First up, swimming with Mimi and Boppy. Grace had her first swim lesson! :) hehe.
 Mimi showed Grace how to use alternating arms. She quickly picked up on it, one arm goes, then the other. My mini genius. :)
 Keep going G!
 The water was still on the cooler side so we had to get out and let G warm up!
 We traded glasses for a little bit. hehe
 G found goggles and she loved them! The whole world was aqua.
 After swimming we had an amazing lunch made with local and organic products yum! I should have taken a picture of it. I did however get a picture of dessert. Strawberry shortcake. YUM YUM!
 I love watching G eat. Everything is in groups, all the whip cream. Then all the cake. And finally all the strawberries.
 She even liked that plate clean, literally. :)
 Clean up time! Good thing we ate on the patio, we hosed it off and Grace helped by splashing in the water. (Notice this is the 3rd set of clothes she had on)
 Boppy showed her how to make a footprint by sticking her wet foot on the ground and moving it away. WOW, you mean that is my foot??
 G was passed out before we even got home.
After nap time, which lasted 3.5 hours, we headed to Pullen Park.
 We had some ice cream when we first got there. More delicious desserts. (notice the 4th outfit of the day) hehe
 Then we got to ride on our first ever train! We pointed out people, kites, geese, water, rocks, it was amazing. Grace could not believe that you can actually ride on a chooo chooo!

 Wave Grace!
 Next up a riding a boat around and around with Grace's friends. They were so cute all steering the boat as it went around the circle.
 There they go! I could not believe Grace stayed seated the entire time. She did such a great job obeying Mommy.
 Hi Grace!
 Swings were next. I thought this girl was going to fall asleep while we pushed her. It had been a very exciting day. :)
 Family shot!
 We had a picnic dinner outside the carousel house. Grace was very interested in the building and kept wandering over there to see what it was all about.
 We had sandwiches, cantaloupe and watermelon.
 After dinner we went on the carousel ride. It has been 6 months since we went on here the first time. Last time we rode the stationary animals because we weren't sure how she would do. This time we rode moving ones! Not only did we go around and around but we also went up and down. The picture is a little dark, but wow it was fun! and fast!
 Finally we finished up by going down the slide. She is really quite the independent little slider now.
Weeeeeeeeeee! I am so proud of this munchkin. What a perfect day. :)

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