Monday, June 10, 2013

Kelly Road Park

Sunday night dinner concluded with a whole family trip to check out a new park!
 It was a total win! There were so many great places for Grace to crawl under and run through. She had a total blast.
 Chasing Mommy. One of her new favorite games :)
 Driving a boat. A little scary seeing as how she can not see where she is steering us. haha
 Going down lots of slides to Mimi! I am realizing I have massive slide anxiety! All I see every time she sits at the top of a slide is her going head over heels down the whole thing. I don't know why, but they make me very nervous....
I love that her hair is long enough to wear in a pony tail. :) This dress was also a gift from Daddy's aunts. It is so cute on her!
 Running to Daddy across the bridge. I just want to take a bite out of that precious neck!
 And back again! The bridge moves so it was really fun.

 We found a secret little section that had music. Grace loved pushing the different bells.
 Boppy and Mama!
 Yeah.... Grace's parents are a little nutty. Maybe now we know where she gets all her energy!
 Uncle Taylor and Grace checking things out.
 Family shot <3
 Favorite picture of the day. Just something about these two together. Makes me realize how true the saying is that goes "when you have a child, its like your heart is walking around outside your body for the rest of your life" <3

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