Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Boppy!

We gad a great time celebrating Boppy's birthay! We sent him an early morning text from Grace, Daddy and Me!
 After all the guys got home from work we headed over to Boppy's house to hang out with Mimi, Uncle Tay Tay and Boppy himself. :) That silly uncle.
 Boppy and Mimi! First there were 2.
 Then they added 2 more and got 4.
 and of course we added 2 more and now we have 6! :) Love these two additions (of course they were mine. hehe)
 Boppy and Grace celebrating outside in the back yard.
 Checking out more wet footprints. She is obsessed with these!
 Here they are! Tiny Grace feet.
 And after dinner, dessert. YUM YUM! If you live in the triangle and you have not had Gigi's.... you seriously need to go! (They also have gigi's in other locations - best cupcakes EVER)
Happy Happy Birthday Boppy!!!

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