Monday, June 10, 2013

Bubble Bath

G had her first ever bubble bath! I know I know, for girls they recommend you wait until 3, but let's be honest I just couldn't wait. Good news is I did use some safety precautions. We used her regular bath shampoo, burts bees, to make the bubbles. We also completely rinsed and then had a bubble free water time to make sure no bubbles were left on her precious little body. 
 But seriously - how much did she love this bath! Having a toddler it is VERY hard to get a still smile. Either she is running, climbing, playing or she is looking at me with a straight face. hehe. This was one of the few times I had so many smile pictures I didn't know what to do!
 She could not believe there were "bubbles bubbles" everywhere!
 Practicing scooping up water and pouring it out.
 Pouring in action!

So much fun in the bubble bath. I heard more laughing in this tub then I have ever heard before in a 30 minutes period. :) She LOVED it!

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