Monday, June 17, 2013

Dentist - 2nd trip!

Daddy works for a dental lab so we take going to the dentist very seriously! Grace was at her first appointment around 14 months, so we are for appointment number 2! Here G is chilling in the waiting area.
If you live in the triangle I would highly recommend Cary Pediatric Dentistry! They do an amazing job of being patient and allowing your child to feel comfortable. I never feel rushed and Grace loves feeling in control of new situations, so this is a great place for us!
 Showing off her toothbrush with Daddy.
 Waiting for cleaning to begin. She loves sitting in her big girl chair.
 The actual process! When the hygienist first put on her mask G was a little hesitant. The hygienist picked up on that and showed her how it catches her sneezes. She did a big pretend sneeze and covered it with the mask. Apparently this satisfied G's curiosity and she let her check her teeth. It's the little things that make a big difference for us Moms of toddlers.
 Good job G! They said you are doing a great job with your brushing (yay Daddy!) See them in 6 months. :)

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