Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gorgeous Morning

Take the time to slow down and allow yourself to go toddler speed. Now sometimes this means running as fast as they can down the path, sometimes it means turning on a moments notice and running the opposite direction, off roading is usually  involved as is checking out different things in nature!

 I ask her lots of questions while we explore like, "where are we going?" or "hmm it looks like we are surrounded by bushes, do you think we should go back?" but I allow her to be the one deciding and she loves it.
 Now please understand this is not an every day all the time activity! That would drive a person mad! But I do try and set aside some time each week when G gets to be the boss.

 Yup, still loving the swings. I do tell her after 10 minutes or so that we need to find a different activity so my arms will not fall off. :)

 She found an old stump and she loved it! Her knees looked pretty scraped up after attempting this climb but she was so proud.

 Toddlers notice things that we miss as grown ups until we slow down at their pace. G LOVED this bridge, and at first I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized it was the sound. She would run from one side to the other because it made a really great thudding sound as her feet hit the boards.

 Slowing down and enjoying these moments with my daughter has made me appreciate life so much more.

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