Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Washing Beans

Lately I have been trying to get G to participate in as many of the daily chores as possible. Soon she will be old enough to have her own chore list and really contribute to the family, but for now she helps Mama out whenever she can.
 This morning I had to rinse some beans for a crock pot meal. I decided it was the perfect kind of activity for G to help with.
 I put some water in her red sensory bin and dumped the beans in. At first she was very timid just barely touching the water and the beans.
 I showed her how she could reach into the water and move the beans around and even pick them up.
 As she continued to explore she got more and more confident.
 As a Mom of an incredibly curious and often very messy toddler I have to work to hold my breath and let her play. Of course water got out of the tub and of course there were some beans on the floor. She is a toddler after all! But a quick towel wipe down and the kitchen was clean.

 It did prove for some great fine motor work as she picked up the beans that fell out and put them back in the water. shhh don't tell Daddy :)

Simple way to incorporate learning with responsibilities and helpfulness.

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