Friday, April 5, 2013

Tiles in a Shoe Box

Use what you have Mamas! I make it a point whenever I am at a consignment sale to pick up small things that come in a variety of colors, cubes, wooden blocks, foam pieces, buttons. These make fantastic sorters and you can find them for a very reasonable price! So with that being said, when it comes to those moments when you need something to give your inquisitive small person but you don't know what... I usually pull out some of these sorters. Today it was wooden tiles. We also got a couple of new shoes a week ago and I had the boxes left over. With a quick snip of the scissors I had a perfect wooden tile size hole in the top of the box. G loved putting the wooden tiles into the box and even more she loved picking the box up and shacking it with all the pieces. Use what you have around the house! :)

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