Saturday, April 6, 2013

Magnetic Animals

Melissa and Doug makes some amazing toys for toddlers. I had been looking forever for these animal magnets and finally ordered them on-line (thank you Mimi!).
You can buy great toys but if you don't teach your toddler how to interact with the toy then they quickly bore of the activity. G's uncle did a great job of playing and demonstrating the different animals. Uncle would ask, "G can you find the fish?" or "G which animals goes "oink"."
G was able to find all the animals and was so proud of herself. Of course we had to take a break to show off our very full from dinner belly. :)
Then back to the games. At one point G thought a goat was a cow. Uncle gently told her that yes, it did look a lot like a cow, but it was a goat. He then removed the piece so it wouldn't confuse her further. With the goat gone, she quickly found the actual cow (which was hiding at the bottom) and brought it up to the top! Way to keep with it G!
Even at a young age we are teaching these little people about how to deal with frustration or not finding a piece right away. We teach them patience and determination. It was a great day.

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