Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Snack Outside

My 18 month old loves her independence! This afternoon she got to have snack out on the porch and it was a total hit. We have been having trouble with temper tantrums after nap. I am either moving too slower for what she wants or to fast when she just wants to be held. It has lead to some challenging moments! This afternoon I pre-made snack and milk and had them waiting outside on the porch. All I did was set her down in the kitchen with the back door open and out she flew!

 When she saw the snack she immediately got herself seated at her table. I thought for sure she would just wonder around eating snack pieces, but no this girl wanted to sit and enjoy it.

 She was ALL smiles after nap which was so rewarding. I think sometimes it is easy to forget that these toddlers are starting to already desire independence and want to know we recognize they have their own feelings and emotions.

 Of course in the middle of snack we did take a break to go for a ride in our pink car.

 Drinking and driving, not encouraged. :)
 Then back to the table to finish snack!

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